As for my personal opinion on this issue, my preference (based on the experience gained in the practice of application) is for walls made of AERATED CONCRETE ...
RECOMMENDATIONSfor the design and construction of walls from large-format ceramic stones "KERAKAM":
RECOMMENDATIONSfor the design and construction of walls from large-format ceramic stones "POROTHERM":
Technology for masonry work
large-format ceramic blocks "POROTHERM":
Details of structural units made of ceramic blocks "POROTHERM":
Link to the website of the manufacturer of anchors made of basalt plastic for "flexible connection" of the facing layer (brick) with the inner wall of ceramic block:
You can get acquainted with a brief description of the materials on the market in the article:
Walls made of ceramic blocks
In the documents below and links to i-net resources, the following manufacturers appear mainly - Samara Combine of Ceramic Materials "KERAKAM"
and subsidiaries of the Wienerberger concern, producing Porotherm building stone - the Kiperovo brick factory (Vladimir region) and the Kurkachi brick factory (Republic of Tatarstan) ...
What is their difference? In the price, in the presented assortment and a bit in quality...
Personally, my preference (in assortment and quality) is Samara "KERAKAM".
In general, these are identical materials with the same application technology.
Therefore, you can safely use the technical solutions and user manuals of one manufacturer to the products of another ...
So, below is a document with a brief description of ceramic porous blocks, their advantages and disadvantages...
Next, I propose to read the answers to some questions regarding the Porotherm blocks ...
Bythis linkYou will be taken to the FAQ page of a dealer company, where you can get a lot of interesting information regarding both the ceramic blocks themselves (in this case, KERAKAM), and questions related to the construction of them ..._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
The following is an information and training video about the laying of large-format POROTHERM ceramic blocks: